Legal Aid Documentary Evidence Check List

Employed (PAYE) Income: Wage slips

Self Employed Income:

 Recent bank statements

 Complete financial accounts

 Self assessment tax return

 Cash book


Benefits in Kind

 P11D tax form (benefits in kind)


Other Income:

 Private/occupational pension documents

 Evidence of rental income (bank statement or

tenancy agreement)

 Trust income (bank statement or letter from


 Letter from friend/family providing support

 Student grant/loan letter


(eg. bank statements)

For pensions and any other income that is subject

to income tax, evidence must show the gross

amount before tax is deducted.

State benefits:Latest letter advising change in benefit amount

Letter from paying agency ie Department for Work

And Pensions, Jobcentre Plus, Pension Service

confirming receipt of the passporting benefit at the

date of application.

Letters must specify name and type of benefit.

Letters over 6 months old must be supported by a

recent bank statement.

Bank statements

Name and type of benefit eg. Income-based

Jobseekers Allowance must be specified on the

statement or additional evidence will be required

Notification letter.

NASS Support:

 Letter from NASS or Local Authority that the

Individual is in receipt of support.

Letter must be less than 6 months old.

Tax Credits:

 Tax Credit Award Notice (most recent).

 Other recent HMRC letter confirming amount


Letter must be less than 6 months old.


Income Tax and National Insurance: Wage slips (employees PAYE) Tax calculation sheet form SA302 (self-employed)


Housing costs (where amount exceeds one-third of client’s gross income):

 Rent book/tenancy agreement

 Mortgage statement

 Bank statement

Child Care costs in excess of £600 per month Copy of agreement/contract Bank statement




 Bank statement

 Copy of Maintenance Order

 Bank statement                                                                      Other: Share certificate National savings certificate/passbook

 Premium Savings Bonds or Bond Record (summary)